Monday, 12 October 2009

My first ever blog post for my first ever blog

Hey guys!
(Hmm, perhaps making that plural is a little optimistic at the moment... I'm sure I'll be the only reader for quite some time)

Well, here we go. My first blog and my first post on it. I suppose I should say a little about what I hope for this blog to be about. I'm just your average teenager at university in England and, like every random teenager, life is never totally straight forward - straight being the operative word here I guess. Ok, so yes I'm gay. It has taken a number of very confused years to be able to say that and be proud of it but at the same time (warning - cliche ahead) my sexuality does not define me. Therefore, although this site may have some homosexual leanings (my god, doesn't gay sound SO much better than homosexual or is it just me?), I will be writing plenty about my other experiences, thoughts and feelings in life.

So yes, I am at University at the moment studying Psychology. It's cool I guess. I mean, I took the subject for A-level and absolutely hated it but hey, I thought degree level might be a bit better. Oh yer - it wasn't. I took a gap year doing drama-related shenanigans (jeeees, us gays) because I had no clue what path I wanted to take in life. Then, probably in some kind of mild panic, I quickly opted to go do the uni thing. Its only three years so I'm sure I'll cope with the work and all the reading of a subject I have no interest in whatsoever....

Drama, I would say, is my passion. Having said that, I have a lot of friends doing the drama school thing and I know that isn't for me. I just love picking up a script and having fun on stage - not all this breathing and getting into the mind of the character crap. So amateur dramatics is my passion. I guess there isn't really a job market for amateur dramatics - more of a hobby thing really. As well as drama, I love to hang out with friends and do the usual things teenagers would do. I procrastinate away most of my life - hence this blog - and I have wonderfully inspired moments of motivation which last maybe an evening or so before I go back to my average student lifestyle.

Oh dear, I suppose I haven't really sold this site very well so far have I. Well stick with me guys. I do a lot of thinking, a lot of internet browsing and my head tends to be quite confused most of the time so I'm sure I'll have plenty to write about, even if it makes little sense.

Keep safe, keep smiling.


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