Monday, 12 October 2009

Ok so i have a mahoosive pile of coursework to do, which means I need to procrastinate so I'll carry straight on from my first posting with my second.

ZAC EFRON (picture from - a brilliant site so visit it NOW)

My first gay rambling of the blog HAS to be about this guy. In all honesty it is this guy that was the reason I came out in the first place. I've been troubled by my sexuality for as long as I can remember. I recall coming home from primary school and crying alone in my room, clutching an S Club 7 album, because I was worried that I fancied Jon. I approached my mum and sheepishly told her I was worried I was gay. As soon as she explained what kind of things gay people do with other men I was very quickly put off the idea, but for my teenage years I tied myself in knots trying to decide what I wanted. It was only when I finally left home for my gap year that I really felt ready to tell people I was gay. I was fed up of judging the girls of FHM with my mates and I was sick of purposefully lingering on page three of the Sun when my friends were around. And..all the while, as silly as it may sound, all i wanted to do was put up a poster of zac efron in my room. For me, when i finally came out, to be able to do that meant so much. Its a little thing but it meant a lot. If I ever worried that I may not be gay or coming out was the wrong thing to do, I would just look at pictures of Zac and, strangely, I would just KNOW this was me. I like guys.

So this is why Zac gets my first picture posting. I don't just have a pathetic crush on him - he signifies a very important milestone in my life. Really, he signifies the start of my life - the life I always knew I was meant to lead anyway. And besides...isn't he just so freakin' hot!

You can see my next post for my Zac-encounters... (don't worry - this blog will not just become another zac efron fan site - although would that be a bad thing?!)

Keep safe, keep smiling


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